Giant Chinese Bitterling (Acheilognathus macropterus)

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Giant Chinese Bitterling

Acheilognathus macropterus.jpg
Giant Chinese Bitterling

Acheilognathus macropterus

284 Litres (75 US G.)

22.9-25.4cm (9-10 ")




7.0 - 7.5

15 -25 °C (59-77°F)

6-15 °d

1:2 M:F

Pellet Foods
Flake Foods
Live Foods
Other (See article)

2-20 years



This animal is available captive bred

Additional names

Giant Chinese Bitterling

Additional scientific names

Acanthorhodeus macropterus, Acanthorhodeus dicaeus, Acanthorhodeus guichenoti

Origin[edit | edit source]

Asia: China and northern Vietnam.

Sexing[edit | edit source]

Mature males are larger and more colourful than females. Females will show an elongated oviposter when ready to spawn. Males may also develop breeding tubercles on their gill plates when in spawning condition.

Breeding[edit | edit source]

These fish have a unique breeding habit, the female will lay her eggs directly into a live freshwater mussel. In order to breed these fish there should be mussels present in the tank.

Tank compatibility[edit | edit source]

This fish is best kept in a large temperate species tank or pond.

Diet[edit | edit source]

An omnivorous fish that will eat live/frozen foods like brine shrimp, mosquito larvae and daphnia as well as pellet or flake food.

Feeding regime[edit | edit source]

Feed once or twice a day.

Environment specifics[edit | edit source]

This fish is best kept in large tanks or ponds which are well filtered and oxygenated. They will not do well in very warm temperatures.

Behaviour[edit | edit source]

Active mid-swimming fish.

Identification[edit | edit source]

A slender fish with a slightly humped spine, although less so when compared to other Bitterlings. This is, however, one of the more colourful of the Bitterlings, the male substantially more colourful than females. The flanks have hints of red/orange and iridescent blue, while the anal and pelvic fins are edged with white and with some white spots in the anal, pelvic and dorsal fins.

Pictures[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]